
How to effectively manage your business’s local phone number.

Titilola Shittu
September 13, 2024

Businesses often operate across multiple channels, a local phone number may seem like a small detail—but it plays a big role in connecting with your customers. If you’re a startup looking to establish a presence in your community or an established business wanting to build trust and familiarity, having a local phone number is more than just a point of contact; it’s a direct line to building stronger relationships with your customers.

This blog explores the key strategies for setting up, managing, and optimizing your business’s local phone number so you can ensure every call is a valuable one. From using essential phone system features to tackling common challenges like spam calls and call center operations, you’ll discover how to make your local phone number a powerful tool for your business's success.

Importance of a local phone number for any business.

A local number gives your business a hometown touch, allowing customers to feel more comfortable reaching out. It signals that you’re not just a faceless corporation but a part of their community. For many consumers, being able to pick up the phone and dial a familiar area code makes all the difference when choosing where to spend their money. But simply having a local number isn’t enough—you need to manage it effectively to maximize its impact.

Setting up and managing your phone number.

Setting up a local phone number is often one of the first steps in establishing your business's communication channels. Once you’ve set up your local number, managing it involves ensuring it's optimized for both your internal processes and customer experience. Proper management includes monitoring incoming calls, analyzing peak times, and ensuring customer inquiries are routed efficiently.

Essential features for business phone systems.

To ensure smooth communication and efficient handling of customer inquiries, your phone system needs to be equipped with the right features. Here are some essential features to consider:

Call forwarding.

Call forwarding ensures that no customer inquiry goes unanswered. This feature allows you to route calls from your business phone to another number, such as your cell phone, during after-hours or while you're on the move. You can also create a workflow where calls are forwarded to different departments or team members depending on the nature of the inquiry. If you’re unavailable, calls can automatically be forwarded to a customer support representative, ensuring prompt responses.

Call waiting.

Call waiting helps you manage multiple calls without missing any. With this feature, when you’re already on a call, you will be notified of a new incoming call. You can then choose to put the current call on hold and take the new one or let it go to voicemail. It’s essential to ensure no opportunities or important calls are missed, especially during busy hours.


Voicemail remains one of the most fundamental tools for customer communication. Ensure your business phone system includes customizable voicemail greetings so customers know they’ve reached the right place. Moreover, voicemail transcription services can help you quickly review messages and follow up with customers efficiently, even when you can't immediately listen to the message. Ensure your voicemail box is regularly monitored and doesn’t get full. Missed messages can lead to lost opportunities or frustrated customers.

Conference calling.

For team meetings or client consultations, conference calling is a must. It allows multiple people to join a single call, facilitating collaboration and effective communication. Ensure that your phone system can handle multiple participants and offers high call quality to avoid disruptions.


An auto-attendant acts as a virtual receptionist, greeting callers and directing them to the correct department or extension. It’s beneficial for businesses with high call volumes, ensuring calls are routed properly without needing a live person to answer each one. Here’s an example: "Press 1 for sales, press 2 for support"—these menu options streamline the customer experience and ensure they get to the right place quickly.

Choosing the right phone system.

The right system can improve efficiency, enhance communication, and scale with your business as it grows.

Cloud-based vs. on-premises.

When selecting a phone system for your business, the two main options are cloud-based and on-premises. The biggest difference is that an on-premises system requires physical hardware installed and maintained at your office. In contrast, a cloud-based system uses remote servers hosted by the provider. On-premises systems require IP phones, a PBX, and a dedicated server room, which can be expensive and time-consuming to set up. Cloud systems eliminate the need for on-site hardware, making setup much simpler.


Cloud-based phone systems are generally more cost-effective, especially for small and medium-sized businesses. There are lower upfront costs since you don't need to purchase hardware. Costs are based on a monthly subscription per user, which can be scaled up or down as needed. On-premises systems require a large capital investment for the hardware and installation. You also need to factor in ongoing maintenance and repair costs.


Cloud-based systems are highly scalable, making them ideal for growing businesses. You can easily add or remove users as your needs change without additional hardware costs. Scaling an on-premises system typically requires purchasing more equipment, which can be costly. The physical nature of the system makes it less flexible for accommodating growth.

Managing message volume and quality.

As your business grows, effectively managing the volume and quality of incoming messages becomes important. You can implement a shared inbox system that allows multiple team members to access and respond to messages. This enables faster response times and ensures no message falls through the cracks. Assign specific team members to monitor and respond to messages during business hours.

Set up automated responses to acknowledge receipt of messages and provide an estimated response time. This will set clear customer expectations and reduce the need for manual responses to every incoming message. Customize the responses to reflect your brand voice and provide helpful information.

Provide comprehensive customer service training to your team members who handle incoming messages. Ensure they understand your brand's tone, values, and policies. Train them on active listening skills, empathy, and effective communication techniques to deliver high-quality responses that leave a positive impression on customers.

Addressing common phone number challenges.

Managing a business phone number comes with its own set of challenges, from dealing with spam calls to maintaining smooth call center operations. Here’s how to address some of the most common phone number challenges and ensure your phone system continues to support your business’s success.

Dealing with spam calls and robocalls.

Spam calls and robocalls are a significant nuisance for businesses. To prevent these, use smartphones' built-in call blocking features. For instance, iPhones have an option to "Silence Unknown Callers," which sends calls from numbers not in your contacts directly to voicemail. Android devices also offer similar features to filter spam calls.

Consider using third-party applications like Hiya, RoboKiller, or Truecaller, which can automatically block and filter spam calls. These apps provide additional layers of protection against unwanted calls.

Managing call center operations.

Effective call center operations are crucial for maintaining customer satisfaction. Focus on hiring skilled agents who can communicate effectively and handle customer inquiries with professionalism. Provide comprehensive training that includes product knowledge, customer service techniques, and conflict resolution strategies.

You can also invest in robust call center software that offers features such as call routing, analytics, and customer relationship management (CRM) integration. This technology can streamline operations and improve response times. Regularly monitor customer satisfaction metrics, such as Net Promoter Score (NPS) and Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT). Use this data to identify areas for improvement and enhance the overall customer experience.

Ensuring phone number portability.

Phone number portability allows businesses to retain their existing phone numbers when switching service providers. Familiarize yourself with the steps involved in porting a phone number, which typically includes contacting the new provider, providing account information, and ensuring that your current service is active during the transition.

Be aware of common issues that can arise during the porting process, such as incorrect account information or service provider delays. To mitigate these problems, double-check all details before initiating the port and maintain communication with both your current and new providers throughout the process.

Simpu's shared inbox solution for business phone numbers.

Simpu offers a comprehensive shared inbox solution that integrates with your business phone number, enabling efficient management of customer inquiries and team collaboration.  Here are 5 reasons why you consider this option:

Centralized communication channels.

Simpu's shared inbox consolidates all your communication channels, including email, SMS, live chat, and social media, into a single platform. This centralization makes it easier to manage customer interactions, as you can access and respond to messages from various sources in one place.

Real-time collaboration.

Simpu enables real-time collaboration among your customer service team. Multiple team members can work together on a single conversation, ensuring faster and more efficient responses to customer inquiries. This collaboration feature eliminates the need for awkward group chat conversations and keeps everyone on the same page.

Automated responses.

Simpu allows you to create automated responses to common customer questions, saving time and ensuring consistent messaging. Your agents can focus on more complex inquiries, leading to improved productivity and reduced support costs by automating routine tasks.

Detailed analytics.

Simpu provides detailed analytics that give you insights into key performance indicators, such as response time and conversation processing time. These insights help you monitor your team's performance, identify areas for improvement, and make data-driven decisions to enhance efficiency.

Secure and compliant.

Simpu prioritizes the security and privacy of your data. The platform is SOC II Type 2 certified, ensuring that it adheres to high-level security standards and data protection protocols. Users can rest assured that their data is protected with advanced encryption techniques and robust security measures.

A well-managed local phone number not only makes your business more accessible but also reinforces your commitment to providing personalized, responsive service. As you implement these strategies, you’ll see how a simple phone number can have a significant impact on the growth and success of your business.

Read: How to get a US phone number in minutes.

Titilola Shittu

Content Writer
Titilola enjoys writing content that resonates with a target audience. With an interest in product marketing, she understands the importance of using data to provide actionable insights that help with informed decisions. You can find her listening to music or reading African literature when she's not doing anything marketing-related.

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