Customer Service

15 examples of bad customer service & ways to fix them.

Ibukun Omotesho
April 29, 2024

Experiencing bad customer service is like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole: frustrating, pointless, and bound to leave you with a headache, nobody enjoys dealing with that.

As a business delivering exceptional customer service is no longer a luxury, but a necessity because customers have high expectations from your brand. 

Unfortunately, many businesses still struggle to deliver the good customer service their customers deserve because they don’t understand the root causes of poor customer service or how to solve them.

 In this article, we'll explore examples of bad customer service and provide practical solutions to help businesses.

Common examples of poor customer service.

Keeping customers waiting for over 30 minutes.

Long wait times can be frustrating especially when they're left in the dark about when they can expect assistance. Making customers wait may make them feel ignored or undervalued when they're kept waiting without any indication of when they'll be attended to. 

Also, it can lead to a negative customer experience and can result in decreased customer satisfaction, loss of loyalty, and even negative feedback publicity as frustrated customers share their experiences with others.

How to resolve long wait times.

Businesses can implement various approaches, for instance, offering call-back service options provides customers with flexibility and convenience, allowing them to continue with their day without waiting on hold indefinitely.

Also, transparency regarding estimated wait times helps in managing customer expectations, the support team can provide real-time estimates to these customers to help set realistic expectations and reduce frustration. 

Finally, providing entertainment during hold periods can transform the waiting experience from tedious to enjoyable. Whether it's through music, informative messages, or self-service options, keeping customers engaged and entertained demonstrates a commitment to their comfort and can boost customer satisfaction. 

B. Rude or unhelpful staff.

Rude behavior from a service agent makes it a challenge to maintain positive customer relationships. When the customer service rep interrupts or fails to listen attentively it creates a negative customer experience for customers. 

Poor customer experience includes instances of inappropriate language from customer service agents, negative attitudes, or uncontrolled emotions that reflect poorly on the company's standards and such a situation may drive loyal customers to look for alternatives where they feel respected and appreciated. 

When support agents lack the necessary expertise to address customer inquiries or concerns, it prolongs resolution times and leads to dissatisfaction. Customers rely on knowledgeable staff to provide accurate information and timely solutions, and any delay makes them question their trust in the company. 


Companies must prioritize comprehensive training programs that equip customer service representatives with the requisite skills and knowledge to deliver exceptional customer service.

Training should entail active listening, empathy, conflict resolution, and thorough product knowledge to empower service agents to offer proactive support to customer inquiries. 

Companies can work towards exceptional customer experience and cultivate lasting relationships with their customers by cultivating professionalism, empathy, and expertise in customer interactions.

C. Lack of transparency.

Lack of transparency affects trust and damages customer relationships. Hidden fees, unclear communication about policies, and unexpected charges can catch customers off guard and lead to feelings of betrayal. Also, unclear communication about policies, terms, or conditions can contribute to dissatisfaction. 

Transparency and fairness are expected in customer-company interactions, and any deviation from this standard can make your business lose customers.


To deal with the issue of lack of transparency, companies must adopt strategies that prioritize clear communication and openness with their customers. Offering clear pricing information is important.

This involves providing transparent breakdowns of all fees, charges, and potential costs associated with products or services before customers commit to you. 

By presenting pricing information transparently, customers can trust that they understand what they're paying for and avoid unpleasant surprises later on. You can direct customers to FAQs, guides, or other informational resources that can further assist customers with policies effectively.

 Additionally, personalized assistance from trained customer service representatives can address individual questions or concerns, reinforcing the company's commitment to positive customer experience and customer satisfaction. 

D. Difficulty reaching customer support team.

When a customer contacts your business, the difficulty of reaching customer support when needed leads to frustration and dissatisfaction. This challenge can be due to limited contact options, inconvenient operating hours, and unresponsive email channels.

When customers have only a few avenues to reach support, such as a phone line or online chat, it restricts their ability to seek assistance in a manner that aligns with their preferences or accessibility needs. 

Operating hours that do not accommodate customers' schedules, especially if support is only available during regular business hours, can make it difficult for customers to reach support when they need to, and unresponsive email channels can leave customers feeling ignored and undervalued.


Providing multiple contact methods such as phone, email, and chat offers customers flexibility in how they seek assistance.

This ensures that customers can choose the most convenient option for their needs, whether they prefer immediate assistance over the phone or asynchronous communication via email.

Incorporating self-service resources or knowledge bases empowers customers to find answers to common questions independently, reducing the need for direct support contact.

Extending customer support times helps accommodate customers from different time zones by offering evening, weekend, or even 24/7 support options, companies ensure that assistance is available when customers need it most. Lastly, guaranteeing timely responses is essential for maintaining customer satisfaction.

E. Ignoring customer feedback.

Ignoring customer feedback, whether it's complaints or suggestions, can have detrimental effects on a business's reputation and customer loyalty.

When companies fail to acknowledge or respond to customer concerns, it sends a message that their opinions are not valued, leading to frustration and a sense of disconnection.

Unresolved complaints can escalate, resulting in negative word-of-mouth publicity and potential loss of customers. To address this issue, companies must prioritize actively listening to and engaging with customer feedback.

This involves implementing feedback systems across various touchpoints, such as surveys, social media, and customer support channels, to capture customer sentiments and insights effectively.

Establishing clear processes for handling feedback ensures that customer concerns are promptly addressed and resolved. By valuing and responding to customer feedback, companies can strengthen customer relationships and drive business growth.


Implementing a system to track and respond to feedback is essential for ensuring that customer concerns are addressed promptly and effectively.

This system should include various feedback channels, including surveys, social media, email, and customer support interactions, to capture feedback from diverse sources. 

Companies can use customer relationship management (CRM) software or dedicated feedback management platforms to organize incoming feedback, making it easier to track and prioritize responses.

Setting up internal response time targets for different types of feedback ensures that urgent issues are addressed quickly, while less pressing concerns receive timely acknowledgment.

Automated acknowledgment emails or messages can reassure customers that their feedback has been received and is being acted upon, even if a full resolution may take time.

Communicating openly with customers about the steps being taken to address their concerns shows them that their voices are heard and valued, fostering trust and loyalty.

Closing the feedback loop by following up with customers after their concerns have been addressed further strengthens customer relationships and provides valuable insights for refining customer support processes and enhancing the overall customer experience.

Less common but equally annoying issues.

A. Passing customers around.

Passing customers around from one department to another without resolving their issues is a bad customer service experience and can be a result of inadequate training of customer service reps.

This ends up leaving employees feeling ill-equipped to address certain inquiries and these customer service representatives pass customers along in the hopes that someone else can help. 

Customers bear the brunt of the inefficiency of the customer service team which leads to frustration and dissatisfaction as they are bounced between departments. 


To solve these problems, businesses are to train their customer service teams so they feel confident in handling various situations and there will be no need to be transferring customers when faced with customer complaints. 

However, if they come across a question or issue that's beyond their expertise or authority, they should establish a clear process for them to follow. This process should outline who to contact for assistance or escalation and designate specific points of contact within the organization who are responsible for handling escalated issues. 

This way, employees know exactly who to reach out to when they encounter a challenging situation and this process allows you to meet the customer service standards set for your business.

Having this clear escalation process ensures that customer inquiries are addressed promptly and effectively, even if they require input from multiple departments or individuals, this helps increase customer satisfaction and offer better customer service. 

B. Not following up on promises.

As a business, not following up on promises leads to unhappy customers. It occurs when organizations fail to fulfill assurances made to customers regarding product quality, service levels, delivery times, or other aspects of the customer experience. 

This problem often stems from communication breakdowns, lack of accountability, resource constraints, changing circumstances, and poor tracking mechanisms. 

Ultimately, failing to meet customer expectations can lead to negative consequences such as customer dissatisfaction, loss of loyalty, and damage to the organization's reputation.

To make customers happy, it's important to be realistic about what you can offer. This means being honest about what you can do and when you can do it.


Setting realistic expectations, tracking progress on promises, and following up with customers are steps in ensuring satisfaction and building trust. Realistic expectations are important because they prevent overpromising and underdelivering, which can lead to disappointment and frustration.

It's essential to communicate clearly and honestly with customers about what they can expect, including timelines, capabilities, and potential limitations.

Tracking progress on promises involves implementing systems and processes to monitor the status of commitments made to customers. This could include using project management tools, CRM software, or simply maintaining detailed records.

By tracking progress, organizations can identify any potential issues or delays early on and take proactive steps to address them before they impact the customer experience.

C. Not owning up to mistakes.

Not owning up to mistakes is a damaging practice where a company fails to acknowledge errors or faults in its products, services, or interactions with customers.

Instead of taking responsibility, they may shift the blame onto the customer or simply deny that a mistake occurred. This can lead to a breakdown in trust and confidence, as customers feel unheard and undervalued.

There are several reasons why companies might engage in this behavior. Sometimes, it's due to a fear of admitting fault, as it may be seen as a sign of weakness or incompetence.

In other cases, it could be a result of internal pressure to maintain a flawless image or protect individual reputations within the organization. However, not owning up to mistakes can have serious consequences.

 It can lead to customer frustration and dissatisfaction,  negative reviews on social media, and potential loss of business. Customers who feel that their concerns are dismissed or ignored are less likely to remain loyal to the company and may seek alternatives.


Companies that take ownership of their mistakes demonstrate integrity and accountability. By acknowledging errors and apologizing sincerely, they can maintain customer relationships and even turn negative experiences into opportunities for positive engagement. This requires a culture of transparency and a willingness to learn from mistakes to improve products and services in the future.

Ultimately, owning up to mistakes is not just about admitting fault, it's about showing respect for customers and their experiences. It's an essential aspect of building trust and fostering long-term relationships, which are vital for business success. 

This could involve providing refunds, replacements, discounts, or other forms of compensation, depending on the nature of the mistake and its impact on the customer. 

Companies should take proactive measures to prevent similar mistakes from occurring in the future, such as implementing process improvements or additional staff training. it's about demonstrating respect for customers and their experiences, which is fundamental to long-term business success.

D. High-oressure sales tactics.

High-pressure sales tactics involve aggressively pushing products or services to customers or often disregarding their needs or preferences.

These tactics can include persistent persuasion, limited-time offers, fear tactics, and manipulative language, all aimed at forcing customers into making purchases they may not want or need. 

Let’s look at this scenario to understand high-pressure sales tactics, You're browsing an online store for a dress. As you add items to your cart and proceed to checkout, a pop-up window suddenly appears, offering you a limited-time discount on a premium subscription service. Initially interested in the offer, you consider signing up but decide to continue with your purchase first. 

However, as you attempt to close the pop-up, another window pops up with a countdown timer, indicating that the offer will expire in just a few minutes.

Feeling pressured by the urgency created by the countdown timer, you quickly skim through the subscription details and reluctantly agree to sign up, fearing that you'll miss out on the discount if you wait.

 After completing your purchase, you realize that you didn't fully understand the terms of the subscription and that it may not be as beneficial as you initially thought.

Despite your reservations, the high-pressure tactics employed by the online store persuaded you to make a quick decision, ultimately leaving you feeling unsatisfied with your purchase experience.

This approach can lead to discomfort and frustration among customers. To avoid the negative consequences of high-pressure sales tactics, companies should prioritize customer-centric practices.

This involves understanding customer’s problems, providing transparent information, building relationships based on trust and respect, and offering solutions that genuinely address customer challenges.


Companies should adopt a customer-centric approach that will fix a customer’s problem and prioritize their needs and preferences of customers over aggressive sales tactics. One effective strategy is training staff on consultative selling techniques.

This approach emphasizes understanding the customer's unique needs and challenges before recommending products or services. 

A customer service representative can ask probing questions and actively listen to Companies should create a supportive and empowering sales culture that encourages collaboration and continuous learning.

This includes providing ongoing training and professional development opportunities to help sales staff refine their skills and stay updated on industry trends and best practices.

E. Ignoring the human touch.

Relying solely on automation to answer your customer queries will lead to poor service experience for these customers and may make them frustrated. Automated responses and impersonal communication can make customers feel like they're interacting with robots rather than humans. 

This can lead to frustration, dissatisfaction, and a sense of disconnect from the brand. Customers value personalized interactions and genuine empathy, which automated systems often struggle to provide.

Moreover, relying solely on automation may overlook the complexity of certain customer inquiries or emotions.

Some issues require a human touch, such as empathetic listening, understanding customer concerns, and providing tailored solutions.

Companies should strive to strike a balance between automation and human interaction in their customer service strategies. While automation can streamline routine inquiries and tasks, human agents should be readily available to handle more complex issues or provide personalized assistance when needed.

Investing in training programs that emphasize empathy, active listening, and effective communication skills can empower customer service representatives to deliver exceptional experiences that resonate with customers on a human level.


it's essential to train staff to personalize interactions, show empathy, and go the extra mile for the customer. Personalizing interactions involves tailoring responses and solutions to meet each customer's individual needs and preferences.

Showing empathy is another crucial aspect of customer service. Empathetic listening and understanding allow staff to connect with customers on a deeper level, demonstrating genuine care and concern for their well-being.

This human touch can make a significant difference in how customers perceive the company and its commitment to their satisfaction.

Moreover, going the extra mile for the customer means going above and beyond expectations to exceed their needs and provide exceptional service. This may involve offering additional assistance, providing personalized recommendations, or resolving issues promptly and effectively.

By demonstrating a willingness to go above and beyond, staff can leave a lasting positive impression on customers and foster strong relationships built on trust and loyalty.

By prioritizing these human-centric approaches to customer service, companies can differentiate themselves from competitors and create memorable experiences that drive customer satisfaction and loyalty. This customer-focused mindset not only enhances the overall customer experience but also contributes to long-term success and growth.

How having a bad customer service team hurts your business.

Having a subpar customer service team can cause financial damage to businesses. According to Edume, 86% of customers are willing to pay more for a better customer experience and this highlights the direct correlation between customer satisfaction and revenue generation.

According to the Harris Initiative, 89% of consumers have switched to a competitor after experiencing poor customer service, leading to potential revenue loss.  

Therefore, businesses that neglect customer service risk not only losing current customers but also incurring higher acquisition costs to replace them. Also, dissatisfied customers are more likely to share their negative experiences with others, leading to a loss of potential customers.

In the age of social media and online reviews bad customer service reviews spread like wildfire. Businesses that prioritize exceptional customer service experience higher customer retention rates, increased brand loyalty, and ultimately, greater profitability.

As a business, investing in a competent and customer-centric service team helps you sustain long-term business success and maintain a positive brand reputation.

Putting the "Customer" back in customer service.

A. Invest in training customer service representatives.

Investing in employee training and equipping staff with the necessary skills and knowledge, helps ensure that your customer support team is well-prepared to handle different customer information and interactions effectively.

This training should cover a range of topics, including communication techniques, problem-solving strategies, product knowledge, and conflict resolution.

For example, communication training can help employees develop active listening skills, empathy, and the ability to communicate clearly and deal with customers. This enables them to understand customer needs, address concerns, and provide helpful solutions.

Also, comprehensive product knowledge training ensures that employees are well-versed in the features, benefits, and uses of the products or services they are supporting.

This allows them to confidently answer customer questions, provide accurate information, and offer relevant recommendations.

Investing in employee training not only enhances the quality of customer service but also boosts employee morale and job satisfaction.

When employees feel confident and competent in their roles, they are more likely to deliver exceptional service and not deal with customers poorly which contributes positively to the overall success of the business.

Therefore, businesses should prioritize ongoing training and development initiatives to ensure that their customer service team remains skilled, knowledgeable, and equipped to meet customer needs effectively.

B. Empower your customer support team. 

According to Harvard Business Review Analytics Services, there has been a  72% increase in productivity for companies that empower their frontline staff.

Empowering the company’s customer service department is essential for creating a customer-centric culture where staff feels valued, trusted, and motivated to deliver exceptional service.

Beyond providing training, giving employees autonomy to resolve customer issues without unnecessary bureaucracy is important.

This means trusting customer service reps to make decisions and take actions that will prioritize customer satisfaction while following company policies and values.

By empowering employees, businesses can streamline the customer service process, reduce response times, and increase overall efficiency.

Instead of having to escalate every issue to higher levels of management, customer service agents can address customer concerns promptly and effectively, resulting in quicker resolutions and excellent customer service. 

C. Gather and utilize customer feedback.

Gathering and utilizing your customer’s feedback is important because it helps you continuously improve your processes and customer service skills as a business.

Actively seeking feedback allows businesses to understand your customer complaints and perspectives, identify areas for improvement, and make informed decisions to enhance the overall customer experience. 

There are various methods for gathering customer feedback, including surveys, focus groups, suggestion boxes, online reviews, and social media monitoring.

Once feedback is collected, it's essential to analyze and prioritize the insights gathered. This involves categorizing feedback based on common themes or trends and identifying areas that have the most significant impact on the service quality and improve customer experience.

D. Embrace technology for efficiency.

Embracing technology makes it easier to deal with customers, whether angry or frustrated customer.  Technology helps businesses streamline operations and enhance customer service efforts.

According to Gartner, 79% of businesses consider automation to be essential in their customer experience strategy.

There are several ways technology can drive efficiency for your business, by implementing customer relationship management (CRM) software it allows you to centralize customer data, track customer service interactions, and provide personalized service. 

Additionally, automation tools such as chatbots can handle routine inquiries. With technology, you can improve internal communication and collaboration among employees where your team can work together seamlessly, regardless of location or time zone. 

This improves the productivity, creativity, and innovation of customer service teams and also enhances marketing efforts.

Digital marketing tools such as email marketing platforms, social media management software, and analytics tools enable businesses to reach their target audience more effectively, track campaign performance, and adjust strategies in real time based on data insights.

When using technology, it should be done in moderation, human touch should not be missing or lost.

E. Recognize and reward excellent service.

Recognizing and rewarding excellent service helps in motivating staff and building a positive work environment. Acknowledging and celebrating exceptional customer interactions makes it easy for you to reinforce desired behaviors and encourage employees to consistently deliver outstanding service. 

This recognition can take various forms, including verbal praise, bonuses, incentives, awards, or other tangible rewards.

Prioritizing customer satisfaction and building positive customer relationships is essential for a business's long-term success.

You must be open to addressing common issues and less common issues if they want their customers to have an exceptional experience with their brand. 

A business fails when they fail to recognize they have bad customer service., businesses that prioritize customer service get increased customer loyalty, higher retention rates, and sustained business growth. 

When you listen to customers, address their issues, and consistently delivering exceptional service, you can differentiate themselves from their competitors because the success of any business depends on its ability to put the "customer" back in customer service and make customer satisfaction a top priority.

Ibukun Omotesho

Content Writer
I write and enjoy watching indian movies.

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